"Well, a couple of reasons actually," she replied. "For one, we knew that there was no way, living in Sonoma County on a single income, that my daughter and son-in-law could afford private school for their kids. It was a priority to them, but they needed a little help. Besides, those kids belong to me, too. And if I could help pay tuition so that they can have a Christ-centered education at such a special school, then I'm going to do that. What other options are there? Public school isn't what it used to be. There is no 'neutral education.' I feel like it's all a thin veil for other agendas. At PHCS, they are learning about Jesus along with the other subjects. And I can tell they really love it there, because their teachers really care about them."
PHCS grandparents are pretty special. We have stories of many who sow themselves into their grandchildren's lives:
One grandpa was at a men's church retreat, when one night he had a dream about his granddaughter wanting to go to a Christian school. He woke up, and knew he had to be proactive about seeing what the possibilities were. He looked around for schools that were affordable and landed on PHCS's website. He and his wife set up a tour and the rest is history!
Another grandma loves to help out during the week and has volunteered to deliver hot lunch entrees to the school EVERY Tuesday and Thursday. Sometimes it isn't always a financial contribution; she contributes of her extra time to bless the children of the school and often stays afterwards to enjoy some recess activities with her granddaughter and her friends.
Last year we had a grandpa come in and coach our speech meet students before the big competition. He came in and taught vocal projection and confidence tips to our students with warmth and humor.
Another pair of grandparents became familiar faces around campus as they helped drop-off and pick-up their grandchildren while their daughter was home caring for a newborn baby.
If you have school-aged grandchildren, you may be encouraged how much impact you can have on your grandchildren's lives through their education. It truly is "one generation blessing another," in real time!
Why should grandparents look into supporting their grandchildren at a private Christian school?
- A unity of family values, and family beliefs
- Laying a firm foundation of strong character
- Giving them an academic advantage
- Investing your resources in what matters to your grandchildren, rather than toys/gifts
- A point of connection into your grandchildren's lives
Our school community is so much richer with the giftings and talents our grandparents offer; and they often have time to be involved! We are grateful for the love and support shown our students by their parents, and grandparents. Consider how you could support your grandchild(ren) to provide whole-hearted Christian education. Proverbs 17:6 "Grandchildren are the crown of the aged."